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Our Mission: ABATE (American Bikers Aiming Toward Education) of North Dakota is a not-for-profit, membership-driven, organization dedicated to preserving motorcyclists' freedom of choice and freedom of the road. Our focus is to promote motorcycle safety, awareness, training and protect the rights of all motorcyclists.

ABATE of North Dakota is our states' largest motorcyclists' rights organization. ABATE has a full-time staff, and NDMSP safety instructors certified by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), dedicated to serving the interests of all motorcyclists.

ABATE of North Dakota was officially started in 1975

ABATE of North Dakota is comprised of volunteer officers, including eleven members of the State Board of Directors and Representatives in our 12 Districts. The Board of Directors are voted in annually by the general membership. Our Representatives are active members who take on lead roles in their districts and are approved by our BOD. We are NOT a Club. We are an organization of motorcyclists dedicated to motorcycle safety and the protection of individual rights as motorcyclists through political change and public education.

The main focus of our ABATE is Rider Education and Motorcyclists Rights and Freedoms.

  • We are the proud sponsors of the North Dakota Motorcycle Safety Program
  • We are active in promoting motorcycle safety and awareness.
  • We believe in “Freedom of Choice” and we encourage all riders to ride responsible.

We believe an informed and educated rider is a safer rider. We are not against the wearing of helmets. However, we do believe helmet laws do nothing to prevent an accident, and a helmet only provides the illusion of safety, while rider education is proven to prevent crashes and save lives.

ABATE of North Dakota is proud of our community involvement

  • We sponsor events all across the state to help bring awareness and raise a little money for several worthy charities. Many of our districts hold “Toy Runs” to collect toys which are distributed to children in need each Christmas. Our state provides clothing, toys and books though our Community Elves Program to over 100 children each Christmas as well.
  • We provide free indoor housing for the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) transportation vans, These vans are used to transport American Veterans to and from Bismarck to the VA Services in Fargo.